this 26-year-old lady came it with intestinal obstruction...
X ray showed this classical coffee bean shape of sigmoid volvulus
MR Y said: "hey, this is sigmoid volvulus lah!"
then our smart MR A claimed: "u notice this, the mesentery of sigmoid colon is over left iliac fossa region, so the stalk of coffee bean should be from LIF..."
he paused for a while, waving the x ray film on his hand: "this film showed the stalk is from right iliac fossa, this mean it is not from sigmoid, and should be something else..."
he proceed with his high-fi theory of bla---bla---bla---
finally MR Y became unsure, instead of doing decompression colonoscopy, he did diagnostic laparoscopy...
result? hehe...
is sigmoid volvulus lah, or else what do u think...
while doing on table decompression colonoscopy under GA, he is cursing all his way