Wednesday 28 April 2010


conference again...
some demonstration going on, and the action is directly on screen
bit like concert, but is much more boring
finally i left earlier...

Sunday 25 April 2010

meaning of rose

do you know the meaning of roses?
there is special code for it...
accidentally i came across it
but i think this should be avaiable in any of the florist
so who want to send me roses?... hehe...

Thursday 22 April 2010


“我看的爽的,那便是正义。令我难受的,则必是邪恶。我的话就是真理,反对我的就是谬论。生杀予夺,全在我一念之间而已。”——摘自《暗帝.王风语 录》。


“什么是正义,什么又是邪恶?肉眼所能看见的一切,不过都是幻影;就算那永恒的星辰,也终将走向毁灭;世界万物,再怎么绚丽多姿,也只不过是已被 神的幻象迷茫了的人心罢了。终有一日,三千世界,芸芸众生,万事万物的存在都只能依存我的心意!”狂吼着这狂妄激荡的话语,撒旦摔入了无限深沉的练狱之火 中,白色的羽翼也慢慢的化为了黑色的肉翅。

Monday 19 April 2010


when ppl get tired, will rest in whatever situation and whatever position..
so how many ways that ppl can rest and sleep?
do u know that
there are doctor slept off while clerking patient, or even assisting in operation
believe it or not? believe it

Friday 16 April 2010

emergency department that without patient

how many doctor will wish to work in this hospital
there will be hardly any patient in the emergency department at night
i went through their statistic, they only have 700 patients every month
and for acute cases/ red zone patient, there is only 10/ month
(besides, yellow zone 200 patients, and green zone 500 patients)

Tuesday 13 April 2010


how sunrise going on?
the real scene is actually 100 times nicer than the picture
what to do. i am not a photographer...
and from picture there is difficult to differentiate sunrise from sunset

Saturday 10 April 2010


i found that this 2 situations very look alike
do compare and think again ... hehe
tonight ward is full house
but this is relatively not busy
just an acutely ill patient
hope can get a good rest tonight

Sunday 4 April 2010

a cute plane

i thought there is no more plane like this
but this is the brand new plane from firefly
look cute and perhaps no need high staircase to board on it

Thursday 1 April 2010